Robic Outdoor Timer SC 554 User Guide

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SC-554 Instructions  
Thank you for buying the Robic SC-554. Your purchase brings you a world class timer with a vast array of  
advanced timekeeping functions.  
Please take a few moments to review this operating guide, so that you may become familiar with the SC-  
554’s many capabilities and how you can best access them for your maximum benefit.  
The following illustration details the location of pushbuttons and indicators for setting and operating the  
Pushbutton “A”  
Pushbutton “B”  
Pushbutton “D”  
Alarm Time Display  
Pushbutton “C”  
ADVANCE/RELEASE, Alarm,/Chime On/Off  
Pushbutton “F”  
Pushbutton “E”  
The indicators in this illustration will appear only when a particular mode or function is activated by  
pressing a pushbutton.  
Once you are familiar with the SC-554’s operation, you will be ready to enjoy its many functions. The  
starting point for any operation is the NORMAL TIME mode. You may sequence through the modes by  
pressing “E”.  
Time of Day in Hours, Minutes and Seconds  
Calendar with Day, Month and Date  
AM/PM or 24 Hour Time Options  
Daily Alarm and Hourly Chime  
CHRONOGRAPH (Stopwatch)  
Three (3) Timing Options  
(1) Lap Time Chronograph  
(2) Split (accumulated) Time Chronograph, or  
(3) Dual Lap/Split Time Chronograph  
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While in NORMAL TIME mode, press and hold “F” for 2-3 seconds. “SET” indicator appears. Alarm  
hours will begin flashing. Advance Alarm Hours by pressing or holding “C”. After setting Alarm Hours,  
Press “E”. Alarm Minutes will appear flashing. Advance by pressing or holding “C”.  
Repeat the setting process for Seconds >>>> Hours >>>> Minutes >>>> Month >>>> Date >>>> Day of  
the Week >>>> 12/24 Hour Option >>>> and back to Alarm Hours.  
Pressing “F” at any time, will automatically exit the setting procedure. “SET” indicator disappears.  
Time of Day and Alarm Time will both be presented in the AM/PM or 24 Hour format chosen. “A” or “P”  
will appear in the AM/PM format.  
Using the Daily Alarm and Hourly Chime  
The Alarm can be armed (set to go off) to sound once per day. The Alarm symbol (((()))) will appear  
when the alarm is armed.  
The Hourly Chime can be armed to sound one (1) beep at the top of each hour. The Chime indicator ()  
will appear when the chime is armed.  
While your SC-554 is in NORMAL TIME mode, press “C” to arm, or disarm your alarm and chime. The  
sequence is:  
(1) Alarm ON, Chime OFF  
(2) Chime ON, Alarm OFF  
(3) Alarm ON, Chime ON  
(4) Alarm OFF, Chime OFF  
When armed, the alarm will sound when the Alarm Time coincides with Time of Day. You may silence  
the alarm by pressing any pushbutton.  
The SC-554’s chronograph is a digital stopwatch with 1/100 second resolution, which will present timing  
in any of three (3) different options.  
From NORMAL TIME, press “E” once to enter the CHRONOGRAPH mode. Chrono indicator “CHR”  
and all zeros should appear. If the display does not show all zeros, reset the chrono by:  
If RUN appears, press “A” to STOP and “B” to RESET.  
If STOP appears, simply press “B” to RESET to all zeros.  
“LAP” Chrono will display the Interval of time from your previous readings. Each time a reading is taken,  
the timer begins from zero.  
“SPLIT” Chrono will display the Accumulation of time from the start of the event. Each time a reading is  
taken, the timer shows the Total amount of time accrued.  
“LAP/SPLIT” Chrono will display the Lap Time in the upper row and the Split Time in the lower row of  
the display.  
General Operation  
Select from the LAP, SPLIT or LAP/SPLIT options by pressing “C”.  
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Memory Recall  
“UP” or “DOWN”  
Chrono in Split Time  
Chrono stopped in  
RESET position  
Memory Recall in  
ascending order “UP”  
LAP Counter  
CHRONO Indicator  
SPLIT Indicator  
The appropriate indicator “LAP”, “SPL” or “LAP/SPL” will appear.  
Select between ascending (up) or descending (dn) memory recall by pressing “D” while Chrono is in the  
RESET (all zeros) position. The recall direction can only be selected while the Chrono is in the reset (all  
zeros) position. You cannot select between “UP” or “DN” while the time is running, or not reset.  
30 MEMORY RECALL Operation  
You may access up to the previous 30 readings while the Chronograph is running or stopped by pressing  
“F”. The recall operation will ascend or descend, depending upon the option selected.  
Simply press “F” at any time to review previous readings. Recall (“RCL”) indicator appears. Holding “F”  
down, will scroll through the memory recall function.  
If “RUN” indicator appears, you may take a reading by pressing “B” or stop the chrono by pressing “A” at  
any time while using the memory. You may also return to the last previous reading at any time, by  
pressing “C”.  
The Average and Fastest Lap Times can be displayed at any time by pressing “D”. “AVG” indicator will  
appear for Average Lap Time, and “MAX” indicator will appear for the Fastest Lap Time.  
In the Chrono mode, Press “C” until “LAP” indicator appears.  
Single Events: Press “A” once to start. Press “A” again to stop. Press “B” to reset to all zeros.  
Timing Multiple Laps: Press “A” to start. “RUN” indicator appears, Lap Time appears running in the  
lower row. Press “B” to take a Lap Time. The previous Lap Time will appear in the upper row of the  
display and the current Lap Time will build up from zero in the bottom row. The SC-554 will take up to  
999 lap times. The LAP COUNTER will increase by one (1) each time “B” is pressed to take a Lap Time.  
Press “A” to stop, “STOP” indicator appears. LAP COUNTER will increase by one (1) when timer is  
stopped. Press “B” once to display total accumulated time of the event. Then press “B” again to reset to all  
For MEMORY RECALL and AVG/MAX operations, please proceed as described above.  
In the Chrono Mode, press “C” until Split “SPL” indicator appears.  
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Single Events: Press “A” to start. Press “A” again to stop. Press “B” to reset to all zeros.  
Timing Multiple Splits: Press “A” to start. “RUN” indicator appears and time is shown running in the  
lower row of the display. Press “B” to take a Split time. The Split time appears in the upper row of the  
display, while the accumulated running time appears in the lower row. The LAP COUNTER will increase  
by one (1) each time “B” is pressed. The SC-554 will take up to 999 Split times.  
Press “A” to stop. “STOP” indicator appears. LAP COUNTER will increase by one (1) when the timer is  
stopped. Press “B” once, to view the total accumulated time of the event. Then, press “B” again to reset  
your SC-554 Chronograph to all zeros.  
LAP/SPLIT Chronograph Operation  
Please note that “LAP/SPL” is commonly referred to as “dual split” timing.  
While in the Chrono (CHR) mode, press “C” until “LAP/SPL” indicator appears.  
Single Events: Press “A” to start. Press “A” again to stop. Press “B” to reset to all zeros.  
Timing Multiple Dual Splits: Press “A” to start. “RUN” indicator appears. Time is shown running in both  
the upper and lower rows of the display. LAP COUNTER will show “001” indicating this is the first  
Press “B” to take a Dual Split time reading. The time reading will appear frozen in the upper and lower  
rows of the display. You may press “E” to release the frozen display to the current running LAP and  
SPLIT times, or the SC-554 will automatically do so after 15 seconds.  
Upon releasing the frozen time display, the LAP COUNTER will increase by one (1) to indicate the second  
segment is now displayed.  
The SC-554 will take up to 999 Dual Split readings. You may recall up to the previous 30 at any time by  
pressing “F”.  
To stop the Chrono, press “A”, then, press “B” to reset to all zeros.  
After 24 hours or 999 laps, the chronograph will cease operation.  
The time value in the upper row will have 1/100 second resolution for the first 60 minutes. After 60  
minutes, it will have one (1) second resolution up to 24 hours. The time value in the lower row will  
have 1/100 second resolution for up to 24 hours.  
If no pushbutton is pressed for 15 seconds, the SC-554 will return to the last previous time value if  
MEMORY RECALL and AVG/MAX functions are activated.  
SPEED TIMER Operation  
The Speed Timer will compute and display speed in MPH or KPH as a function of distance and time.  
To enter the SPEED mode from NORMAL TIME, press “E” twice. Should numbers other than all zeros  
appear in the lower row of the display.  
(1) If the “STOP” indicator appears, press “B” to reset to all zeros  
(2) If the “RUN” indicator appears, press “A” , then “B”.  
The SPEED TIMER will NOT operate unless a distance has been entered.  
Distance Entered:  
0.250 Mile (1/4 mile)  
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Memory Recall in ascending  
order “UP” Indicator  
STOP & SPEED Mode Indicators  
LAP Counter  
LAP TIME Chrono  
How to Determine and Enter the Distance  
The first step is to enter the distance correctly.  
The SPEED TIMER will not operate unless a distance is entered.  
Distance is entered as the decimal equivalent of a mile or kilometer from 000.001 to 999.999. For  
example, enter 2 ½ miles or kilometers as 002.500, 1/3 as 000.333, 1/8 as 000.125, etc. (To calculate the  
decimal equivalent of a fraction, simply divide the numerator by the denominator . . . for ¾, 3 divided by 4  
is 000.750.) Some common distances in decimal form are:  
1/10 = 0.100  
3/8 = 0.375  
1/8 = 0.125  
1/2 = 0.500  
1/6 = 0.167  
5/8 = 0.625  
1/4 = 0.250  
2/3 = 0.667  
1/3 = 0.333  
3/4 = 0.750  
You may convert feet to the decimal equivalent of a mile, i.e. 187 feet is entered as 000.035 (187 divided  
by 5280 feet (1 mile) = 0.035). Some commonly used distances reported by feet are:  
Water Ski Slalom Course:  
Pitcher’s Mound/Baseball:  
Pitcher’s Mound/Youth:  
Pitcher’s Mound/Softball:  
850 feet = 0.161 mile  
60.5 feet = 0.011 mile  
47 feet = 0.009 mile  
45/47 feet = -.009 mile  
Convert meters to kilometers by dividing by 1000. For example, 230 meters is entered as 0.230 km. (230  
divided by 1000).  
Entering the Distance  
The SC-554 can accommodate distances between 000.001 and 999.999 mile/kilometer.  
After determining the distance, press and hold “F” for three (3) seconds, “SET” and “DIST” appear. The  
“MILE” or “KM” indicator will appear flashing. Press “C” to select between miles or kilometers. Then  
press “E”.  
The hundreds of miles digit appears flashing. Advance the hundreds of miles digit while flashing by  
pressing or holding “C”.  
Repeat pressing “F” to select and “C” to advance for tens, units, tenths, hundredths and thousandths. Exit  
the setting sequence at any time by pressing “E”. “SET” and “DIST” indicators disappear.  
Please note:  
(1) The SC-554 returns to the reset position if no pushbuttons are pressed within 15 seconds.  
(2) If hundreds and tens digits have no value entered, they will disappear after you have entered the  
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Stroke Rate Calculation  
You may calculate stroke rate based on one, two or three stroke cycles. Since we are not interested in  
MPH/KPH, we will disregard those indicators.  
Following the instructions in the “Enter Distance” section, please enter the following values for their  
respective stroke cycles:  
One (1) stroke cycle . . . please enter 0.017  
Two (2) stroke cycles . . . please enter 0.034  
Three (3) stroke cycles . . . please enter 0.050  
To measure stroke rate, simply START the timer by pressing “A” at the beginning of the cycle and STOP  
the timer by pressing “A” again at the completion of the cycle. The number displayed in the upper row of  
the display is the Stroke Cycle Rate per Minute.  
Take as many readings as necessary. The Average and Fastest rates can be displayed by pressing “F”.  
Select between ascending “UP” or descending “DN” memory recall direction by pressing “D” while the  
Speed Timer is in the reset position.  
The recall direction cannot be selected while the Speed Timer is running or not in the reset position.  
(1) For Single Lap Events: Press “A” to start. “RUN” indicator appears. Press “A” again to stop the  
timer. “STOP” indicator appears. The speed will appear in the right side of the upper row of the  
display and the time will appear in the lower row of the display.  
Press “B” to reset to all zeros.  
(2) For Multiple Lap Events: Press “A to start, “RUN” indicator appears. Press “B” to take Lap readings.  
Lap Time will appear in the lower row of the display, Lap Speed in the upper row and Lap Number in  
the Lap Counter. Continue to press “B” to take as many lap readings as necessary. The SC-554 will  
record up to 999 laps.  
Memory Recall in ascending  
Lap Speed for lap 47 is  
150.369 mph  
Lap Counter:  
Previous Lap is #47  
Lap Time for lap 47 is 39.91  
Time is running  
The Lap Counter will increase by one (1), each time a Lap reading is taken.  
The previous Lap Time will remain frozen in the lower row for 15 seconds, at which time it will  
automatically release to the current running lap time. Or, you can manually release the time by pressing  
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After pressing “B”, should “ERROR” appear in the upper row, followed by five (5) beeps, you have  
exceeded the timer’s measuring capability of 1000 mph/kph. When this occurs, the Lap Time continues to  
run. To correct the error, simply press “C” to return to the previously recorded lap. Then press “B” to take  
the appropriate lap readings.  
Upon completion of the event, or to stop the Speed Timer at any time, press “A”. “STOP” indicator  
appears and one (1) is added to the Lap Counter.  
Then, press “B” once, to display the accumulated time and again to reset to all zeros.  
The MAXIMUM SPEED/FASTEST LAP reading can be displayed at any time, by pressing “D”. The  
“MAX” indicator will appear, as will the lap number, speed and time of the fastest lap. To return to any  
previous function, press “C” or the SC-554 will automatically do so after 15 seconds.  
The AVERAGE SPEED and TIME of multiple laps, up to 999, can be computed and displayed at any time,  
by pressing “D”, again. “AVG” indicator appears and the average lap time will appear in the upper row of  
the display, along with the total number of laps completed.  
30 MEMORY RECALL of lap speed, time and number can be displayed at any time, up through 999 laps,  
by pressing “F”. Recall “RCL” indicator appears. Holding “F” down, will cause the previous readings to  
be displayed at a rate of one per second.  
If the “RUN” indicator appears, you may take another Speed reading at any time, by pressing “B”. You  
may also instantly return to the last previous reading at any time by pressing “C”.  
The memory recall operation will review previous readings in ascending “UP” or descending “DN” order,  
depending on the option selected.  
(1) The SPEED TIMER will not operate unless a distance has been entered.  
(2) The SC-554 will measure up to 24 hours or 999 laps.  
Marshall-Browning International Corporation (MBI Corp.) warrants to the original owner, this quartz digital liquid display timepiece  
(excluding battery, lens, band, or strap) for the period of one year from the original purchase date. This limited warranty is given by  
MBI Corp. and not by the dealer from whom the timepiece was purchased.  
If the timepiece develops a manufacturing defect within the one-year limited warranty period, it will be either repaired or replaced (at  
MBI Corp.'s option) with a timepiece of equal or greater value, providing the original owner submits the following:  
Proof of purchase, i.e. a validated store receipt showing date of purchase.  
A check or money order (no cash, please) in the amount of $6.50 to cover the cost of  
shipping and handling.  
MBI Corp. will not repair defects or damages caused by or showing evidence of:  
Improper or unauthorized service.  
Misuse, tampering, abuse, or mistreatment of the timepiece.  
Damage to the case or visible cracking of the lens.  
Moisture damage, if the product is a non-water-resistant timepiece.  
If we find that the battery is the cause of the defect, MBI Corp. reserves the right to charge you ($6.50) for a new  
MBI Corp. is not liable for incidental or consequential damages. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or  
consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you.  
MBI Corp. limits the duration of any warranty implied by state law, including the implied warranty of merchantability, to one year  
from the date of original purchase. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above  
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limitation may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from  
state to state.  
Proper care of your timer will provide many years of enjoyment. We recommend that: 1. The battery be replaced at once when it  
becomes depleted. Please ask your local retailer to replace the battery for you using a CR2025 (Lithium) or equivalent. 2. The lens  
be replaced immediately if it becomes damaged, as contamination from dust, moisture, and other foreign substances will damage the  
module. 3. If the timepiece is not marked "water-resistant," avoid immersing or exposing it to water, steam, or other forms of  
If your timepiece ever requires factory servicing, you can send it directly to:  
MBI Corp., 115 Hurley Road, Oxford, CT 06478  
We strongly recommend that when sending it through the mail, you send the product insured, return receipt requested, so that if a  
problem in shipping arises, you can trace it through the originating post office. You will be billed for all services performed deemed  
out of warranty; and since we reserve the right to substitute with a replacement product of equal or greater value, NEVER include a  
personal item, such as a watchband, with the repair request.  
Robic offers a complete line of the world's finest timers and stopwatches for all your needs. Please call at (203) 264-2702 for a free  

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